Friday, August 10, 2012

Lolo Jones is beautiful, fast, a virgin, and every marketer's stop crying and get over it!


The recent claims of media bias towards olympic track and field champion, Lolo Jones, are very disgusting. The claims have come from all corners too. From her fellow teammates like Dawn Harper to the New York Times article here.
Do they even know Ms. Jones tremendous obstacles she has overcome, such as having surgery on her spinal cord in 2011?

Let's go into her back story a little bit. Lolo was born 1 of 5 children, she grew up in poverty raised by a single mom. She moved all the time, lived in a church basement even. She attended Theodore Roosevelt High excelled at track and field. Attended Louisiana State University, where she became one of the best hurdlers in the NCAA. In 2002, she won the 100 meter hurdles at the 2002 NCAA track and field championship. She won the 60 meter indoor hurdles in 2003 and 2004.
She excelled from 2005 to 2008, where she placed first in a number of track meets. From the Torino Memorial to track meets in Ostrava. She reached her peak in 2008, winning the USA outdoor championship and others. Then disappointingly she didn't make it in Bejing, coming in 17th.
Ms. Jones has overcome very serious health problems.

The most serious being a tethered spinal cord. Which she had surgery to fix in 2011, then she qualified for the London 2012 Olympics.

Now back to the haters. Ms. Jones is a beautiful woman there's no doubt about that, but is it her fault.
She has paid her dues more than any of her teammates and especially writers at the New York Times, who insinuate that she is undeserving of all the attention and media coverage.
In the end, the disgruntled teammates and critics from the New York Times need to take a good look in the mirror and ask themselves if they could fight through the roadblocks put in her way and still be out there competing for their country on the biggest athletic arena in the world.

the black urban times llc

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