Friday, September 28, 2012

9/24 Girlfriend Confidential LA Recap

Girlfriend Confidential LA is getting good , I often wondered what it was like to be in the entertainment industry and I truly get it especially with Denyce and Eva.

This week's episode dealt with Eva waiting patiently to hear if she was castes in a Wayan Brothers film as well as waiting to hear if she was casted for another indie film.

Both roles would be great exposure and indeed a good look for her portfolio but the waiting game still sucks so to distract herself she speaks to her manager Jerome about possibly helping Denyce get back in the game and a little quality time with her boo, who to resembles a younger version of rapper, Game.

Anyhoo Denyce's Indie film was nominated at the Sundance Film Festival and that news gives her the ego boost that she isn't ready to walk away from show biz. Her meeting with Jerome is a success and she seems like she is on the right path to getting back to happy.

Nikki is trying to figure out where her father fits in her life currently. You figure you can't miss what you never had but at the same time she is semi curious as to who he is. This storyline is one that is very sensitive and also one many will be able to relate to. <--- Told y'all this show was more than fashion and champagne.

Kelly signed a new client and it will be interesting to see how this goes since he openly flirts and she likes it. Yanno mixing business and pleasure never works unless you're Jay Z and Beyonce. Y'all saw what happened to Superhead O_o

Anyhoo TTFN ( Ta Ta For Now)

Smooches XOXO

Kisha Green is a publisher who has a passion for writing and sharing her witty personality with many through social media. For more info about Kisha, visit her and you can also follow her on Twitter @KishaGreen

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