Thursday, September 27, 2012

Q's - Tips: HOW TO REDUCE MUSCLE SORENESS by: @agent17prime

No Pain, No Gain…..

Fight, fight, fight….. Fight, fight, fight…… Push, come on you can do it!!! Feel the burn!!!  You often hear this when a trainer or buddies are working out in a gym. I know I have said it plenty of times to my clients. How many of you actually know what that burn is??
While working out with high intensity meaning low weight high reps, or low intensity meaning high weight low reps, you tend to start feeling like your muscle fibers are on FIRE! That is the burn or technically known as Lactic Acid. Lactic Acid or milk acid is released into the muscles when all of the energy in those muscles is used up and they still require large amounts of energy. People tend to blame this acid for their soreness 2 to 3 days after their workout. In actuality, this acid is cleansed from the system within the hour of finishing your workout and is processed through the liver. That soreness you feel is really caused by the breakdown or tearing of the muscle fibers during workout sessions. Now that you know, you cannot blame that soreness on the lactic acid anymore. Now you know when you feel that burn or that fire, to push past it and break down those muscle fibers!

Q’s – Tips
With that being said, you probably want to know how to reduce the soreness in your body after a vigorous workout. First I want to make it clear to all of you that this soreness is a sign of the workout actually working, without it, do not believe you will be making any progress! Now that is out of the way, there are a few “remedies” to helping handle the soreness in your body. First use the muscle daily. Allow your body to get used to using this new found strength, without that what is the point of having newer, stronger muscles. Question: Do you think the next time you do the same routine that made you sore in the first place over again, that you are stronger or weaker?? Answer: Stronger! Do not use the exact same routine. Either increases in the weight or repetitions of the workout will give your body that “shock” all over again. I said that to say this if you do the same routine over a few days later, it will help relieve some of the soreness or you can get better the next time by doing what I stated previous to this statement. Foods that assist with recovery or reducing soreness are bananas, pineapples, wheat germ, fatty acids, and proteins.  Bananas are a more common source due to the potassium. Potassium decreases lactic acid. Pineapples are full of Bromelain and Vitamin C. Bromelain is a natural anti-inflammatory coupled with Vitamin C is the cause for assisting in decreasing muscle soreness.  If you stretching before and after a workout the muscles fibers are in better condition to handle the tear down process, as well as the days that you are not working out. Consistent movement creates blood flow, the more blood flow you have to those torn muscles, the quicker they will have the ability to heal. DO NOT STAY STILL FOR EXTENTED PERIODS OF TIME, this causes stiffness.  The last two most important parts of dealing with muscle soreness is HYDRATION AND REST! Your body is made of 80% water and I can guarantee while you are chasing those dollars, you are not allowing your body efficient time for rest. Allow 6 to 8 hours of rest for recovery everynight and 48 to 72 hours in between muscle groups before repeating. DRINK WATER DAILY!!!

Any topic you would like me to discuss, please leave a comment and I will get to it!
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Facebook: CoachQ17
Twitter: @agent17prime
Instagram: @agent17prime

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