Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Q’s –Tip’s: MAKING THE RIGHT CHOICE by: @agent17prime

Program Design…..

 I know this guy, amazing person, full of ideas, very good ones; gun ho about making the right decisions about the next step. This guy can spew out about as many ideas in a 1 min time frame faster than you chew gum. Many of us have some of the same characteristics,  we come up with a sure fire plan, work out most of the details and get started just as soon as humanly possible on making the plan come to life. This happens with just about every person that decides to lose weight, tone up, build muscle, etc.
There tends to be one small flaw that is huge in determining the success of the plan.  The underdog to having a successful workout regimen or weight loss goal is the planning phase. There is a great need for designing and keeping track of what you want and how you get there.  Majority of people fail with their workout/weight loss plan simply because they fail to follow the plan all the way through. This is usually where the personal trainer steps in. There are more personal trainers out there then I care to imagine. You as the consumer want to find the right one to help you reach your goals, right? So, what do you look for in a personal Trainer?

Q’s – Tip’s

When Looking for a personal trainer and weighing the options of what you can handle and what you need to accomplish, your main focus should be on how well of a program can be designed to fit your needs. Depending on what you need i.e. corrective exercise, resistance training, speed and agility, performance exercise, and any other type of training, program design will be essential in making sure progress is tracked and obtained.  Remember when implementing a workout or weight loss regimen do your homework like you would any other product you would purchase, check backgrounds, find some proven results, look for work done on previous clients. You wouldn’t go to a hair stylist without having some type of reference, right? Same thing applies here.  Make sure the program can fit into your daily lifestyle. You may need a lifestyle change so consulting a few different experts will help you in determining if their program will work best with what you need and what you are trying to accomplish.  Ladies I know that part of your search is having some good eye candy while working out, but don’t let that be your only reason for picking that program. For most men, including myself, it is very difficult to let another man tell you what he can do for your body. Consider this, you are in the gym to get better and probably change or add to some part of your look. An all around approach for your workout regimen is not bad and NEITHER IS ADVICE!

If you would like to hear about a certain topic leave comments below and I will be sure to post a Tip for you!

Want more indepth advice and tips email me and follow me @:
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Instagram: @agent17prime
Twitter: @agent17prime

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