Friday, September 7, 2012

How Boxing and Xavier Biggs Are Saving Orrin Carter's Life By @odiggler

I would say that over the course of my early twenties and pretty much up until now I have not been the most health conscious person in the world. Actually, its safe to say my eating and exercise habits were pretty awful. I would eat things that would throw the average human body into cardiac shock. Two triple cheese burgers from Wendy's or the "W" as my friends and I would call it back in the day, 50 piece hot wings in one sitting, and gallons upon gallons of Soda. I was and absolute mess my self esteem was down as my weight would yo yo back an forth as I figured out I was an emotional eater. Until I met Adrian Russell, who to me by far is the best and most underrated Boxer I have ever seen in my life. I called Adrian one day as I was on another one of my lose weight quick schemes, and told him I was going to join a flag football league. HE says "No,Dog come to this gym I'm working out of I'm working with this trainer and he is amazing." Now, I trust Adrian but boxing wasn't really my thing but I trusted Adrian so I said I would come check out the gym.

  When I arrive I get out of my car and look at the gym and I immediately notice the immaculate setup, Suitable for a world class boxer. I get in and Adrian Introduces me to the trainer "this is Biggs, Xavier Biggs" we shake hands and prepare for our work out I fall in line with the rest of the crowd and 45 minutes later Ive had the best workout of my life. It was challenging mentally and physically and i could feel muscles in my body being used that I haven't used in a while. After I picked myself off the floor I talked with Biggs for about 20 minutes or so and I find out that his brother was a professional boxer and he has met all the greats and hung with celebs. As he talked i felt more Like wisdom was being released than just a a casual convo about boxing. When its all said and done is one of one of the best gyms I've ever been in. Xavier Biggs is one of the best trainers I've seen, and I've been through a lot of them. check out the site Ill have an interview soon, and I will be giving incite on the amazing book he wrote. over the next couple of months i will be giving you guys an updated report as  and Xavier "biggs" help me drop this weight and drag me to a healthier life.

Orrin Carter

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