Thursday, September 13, 2012 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With... Imani Wisdom, author of Zion's Road

 About "Zion's Road": 

"Zion’s Road: A Love Story" is about faith and redemption. Harold Smith—a former Klansman in a small town of Tulla Springs, Mississippi—discovers second chances are possible when he learns that walking on the right path leads to an adventure of discovering his truths. During Harold’s journey, he meets a stranger who is opposite to what he believes. (read more) 

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write "Zion’s Road: A Love Story about Faith and Redemption"?

Imani Wisdom: The inspiration for "Zion’s Road" came from an aunt’s passing in 2003. She fought a long and hard battle against the progressive disease called Multiple Sclerosis, an autoimmune disease
that affects the central nervous system. After she passed away at the young age of forty-four, I began to wonder like many relatives who suffered a loss of a loved one by one simple question—is she okay? (read more) 

JP: What sets "Zion’s Road: A Love Story about Faith and Redemption" apart from other books in the same genre?

IW: Although "Zion’s Road" is listed in the “Inspirational” genre, I feel the word is too broad. As you read through it, "Zion’s Road" goes beyond just to inspire but to question how we’re living our own lives. And yes, the storyline parallels with today’s political discourse but it’s also a heart-warming love story. You tie those three ingredients together, and you have a powerful narrative. (read more) 

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that led to "Zion’s Road: A Love Story about Faith and Redemption" getting out to the public?

IW: Four words: Do not give up! I suffered a debacle with a short story collection last December that fell through miserably. Several things went wrong—and as a new author and self-publisher—I had to learn a hard lesson. I even took time away from writing to reevaluate my goals. I wondered if starting a writing career at the age of 40 was right for me; was I doing it for the right reasons, or once I’ll start doing it, then what? (read more) 

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take you to start and finish "Zion’s Road: A Love Story about Faith and Redemption"?

IW: As mentioned earlier, I didn’t use an outline nor develop a character biography for "Zion’s Road"—I just sat down and wrote it. That’s the same for all of my projects. I get a story idea in my head, jot in my pocket-size notebook, and bring it to life in a short story. If I feel the story has potential to develop into a novel, I’ll keep writing, if not, I’ll leave it the way it is. (read more) 

JP: What’s next for Imani Wisdom?

IW: "Zion’s Road" is only a taste of what’s to come. In 2013, the spin-off will be available with a new storyline, a few returning characters, and darker plot. Thus, "Zion’s Road: The Journey" will make its way to your e-reader, bookstores, and to your favorite online retailers. Also the short story collection I put on hold indefinitely might be dead but not the stories individually. (read more)

Click here to read the entire interview with Imani Wisdom.

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