Thursday, September 13, 2012


As I let her down  I can still feel her shaking, as she opens her lips to speak  we hear the bathroom entrance door open and we freeze up... " Hello, mam, are you alright?"  "uhhhhh yesss, yes i am.  I know this is the employees only, but I could not hold it. I hope that's OK"  "yes mam" the employee yells out. As he closes the door she turns to me and says "what the hell was that?'  What? "I say."  No one has ever done that with me before....You must be trying to get a starting position" she laugh and I just roll my eyes and say "whatever!!!" I say I come out, then her as we walk past the tables people stare at us as if they knew what happened.  Some looks were in shock,  some were in disgust, and some were in denial. Not denial  As in "i cant believe they did that" but as in "honey I wonder why we haven't tried that" Freaks. 

   As we walk back toward our gate I had no clue who was in control at this point. My mind is so clouded I cant believe I just did that, I cant believe  I didn't get anything out of it. I am so confused.  I glance over at her and she knew she had me.  Her attitude  totally changed. Before it was more a cat an mouse game, more of a fight for position type of thing.  We get to out gate and we are sitting chatting, not about anything in particular just talking.  She says to me "how did I taste?" Normally I would shoot some smart ass comment, but nothing would come out. I open my lips and the only things I could muster up was "Like Heaven"...she laughs leans in and whispers in my ear "I'm glad you think so"

The speaker comes on and the customer service agent says "Now boarding first class, for flight 3820 to Colorado" "well guess I will I'll see you around...."wait WHAT " I say.  "yea sweety this is my flight"" I thought you said you were going to California" I say. " I am, just just not today, I had fun though" as she walks away I grab her hand pull her in and kiss her deep (against my better judgement) pull back and say to her "will I see you again?" she takes my phone out my hand and puts her number in my phone.  I look at the number I say "its only 9 numbers" She grabs her carry on and says "if you really want to talk to me you'll figure it out."  I smirk and say "check you out" as she gets In line she says "oh its Alice" I say "who is Alice?" "you wanted to know my real name, right? well that's it. my name is Alice.  "why are you telling me now?" Ive think you've earned it. She gets on the plane and I look down at my phone and see she saved her name as "Strawberry" I look up........OK Alice its 1-0 I'll be ready in Cali


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