About "Black Diamonds 3":
“Black Diamond 3: Lucky Chance” is the third installment of this drama filled saga. In Part 3, two years have passed. Diamond and Black have been living comfortably in their high-rise condo with their daughter, Dior. They’ve left the drug business behind them and have enough money to continue their lavish lifestyle without going back to the streets to re-up.
Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write “Black Diamond 3: Lucky Chance”?
Brittani Williams: The inspiration for “Black Diamond 3″ came directly from part two. When I first wrote “Black Diamond 1″, I only had intentions on writing one sequel. People fell in love with “Black Diamond 1″ and “Black Diamond 2″. My publisher actually requested that I write “Black Diamond 3″.
JP: What sets “Black Diamond 3: Lucky Chance” apart from other books in the same genre?
BW: The shock value of my novels are second-to-none. “Black Diamond 3″ has some twists and turns that you won’t expect. I created some story lines that some would be afraid to delve in to. This is definitely not a recycled urban fiction book. (read more)
JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that led to “Black Diamond 3: Lucky Chance” getting out to the public?
BW: I have had tremendous success with networking and constant marketing. I mention my book constantly, and I market everywhere – not just on social networks and on the typical book sites. This formula has always worked for all of my books. (read more)
JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take you to start and finish “Black Diamond 3: Lucky Chance”?
BW: My novels always start with a title and synopsis. Without those two, I don’t write. After I have this, I jot down names, places, ideas, songs etc. – anything that is relevant to the story. (read more)
JP: What’s next for Brittani Williams?
BW: Up next for me is completing my 7th novel, “The Don’s Desire” and a few anthology projects. I am also working on the film production of “Black Diamond” as well as revisiting the stage play again which was first shown in Philadelphia in 2010. (read more)
Click here to read the entire JoeyPinkney.com interview with Brittani Williams, author of "Black Diamond 3: Lucky Chance".
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