Saturday, January 12, 2013

The 10 Author's Commandments

By Vanna B.
These are some of the things I've learned so far during my journey as an author.

1. Be consistent. Write regularly, as if it were your job because, well…it is!

2. Know your characters inside and out; their hobbies and faults, what they're passionate about, what they hate, what makes them tick. 

3. Hire professionals (editors, graphic designers). Don't disrespect your readership with mediocrity. Repeated errors are distracting and your book will be judged by its cover, so make sure it's a nice one. :)

4. Know the business. Research the publishing industry extensively.

5. Learn all you can about marketing, PR and sales.

6. Never underestimate the importance of word-of-mouth. It's extremely effective!

7. Network…and not just online. Get out and about for some face to face interaction with readers and colleagues.

8. Read! Both in and outside of your genre(s). It will help you become a better writer.

9. Always keep a writing utensil handy. You never know when a great idea will come to you.

10. Never become complacent. There's always room for improvement!


Need advice? Have a question or problem you need insight on? E-mail me at

Check out my Amazon best-selling novel, Fancy. Pre-order Fancy 2 now for just $12 (free shipping) at

Vanna B.

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