Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Why Are Women Proposing?

I was on one of my most favorite blog sites (Necole Bitchie) and came across an article that I found most interesting. It was a topic where Necole Bitchie mentions that Michael Jai White's girlfriend proposed to him. Hmmmm....are you kidding me?! I don't normally like to put my business on front street but I will say that maybe I'm old school or old fashioned but I think it's in the man's court to do the proposing! Not that there's anything wrong with Michael Jai White's situation, I'm just saying that it wouldn't be me.

I was in a relationship with a dude for almost 8 years and just when we were about to embark on our 8th year anniversary we had an argument, didn't speak for a few days and then I get an email. The email (as funny as it was) stated that he would not be available for the next 30-45 days! Funny and hilarious were the thoughts that first popped into my head considering we have a few children together but I figured let me reach out to the brotha anyway. Sure enough, he was as serious as cancer and so it begins! My only gripe about the whole relationship was I really don't think the brotha was that into me anyway! AND after 8 years and a few children he really wasn't trying to wife me up and settle down anyway. He lived a very bachelor like lifestyle and I really can't blame him for not wanting to settle down. In fact, I still respect him as a man and wish him all the best in his endeavors. But the point in all of this is....I would have loved to marry the guy and would've married him at the drop of a dime! But I would not have made the first move!! It's just not in my character! Am I too old school? Maybe. But at least I can walk away with my pride cuz I'm sure the dude would've said NO to begin with. :) Needless to say, congratulations to Michael Jai White and his new husband....oops...I mean wife! I give the lady mad props. She's got courage cuz I would not have had the balls to pull that off!!

Here is the article according to

"Sometimes a woman has to stake her claim, and that’s exactly what Dr. Courtenay Chatman did when she proposed to hunky actor Michael Jai White nearly four years ago.

Although Chatman understands why traditionalists might view her actions as unorthodox, she never had any hang-ups about popping the question. “I decided I loved him and he loved me, so why wait?” says Chatman, an OB-GYN who proposed to White after a year of dating. “Of course there was a possibility that he could say ‘no,’ but I was willing to take that chance.”

Because White is “unbelievably romantic,” Chatman vowed that her proposal would be equally as innovative and special. That’s when she headed to their favorite Los Angeles eatery, The Cheesecake Factory, borrowed a plate from the manager, took it to the mall, found a similar plate and added a red inscription: Will You Marry Me at the top and Michael Jai White? at the bottom. Everything in place, Chatman invited her man to dinner.

“Normally, Michael eats quickly, but of course, this night he was taking his time and it was nerve-wracking to watch flickers of red begin to show on his plate,” Chatman recalls with a laugh. “I was telling him how much I cared about him and how much he meant to me until I became so nervous that I jumped up, sat next to him, and brushed his food off the plate. Then I got on bended knee and opened the ring box!”

A stunned White beamed a Kool-Aid smile and responded affirmatively. “I was pleasantly shocked and didn’t feel emasculated at all, ” admits White. ”I immediately said ‘yes’ because I knew that I was going to spend the rest of my life with her whether we got married or not.”

Nearby patrons cheered and clapped for the lovebirds. “It was so magical,” says Chatman. “I was crying and then we were laughing and crying together while he held me in his arms. He said I did really well in pulling it off.”

To Chatman’s surprise, White insisted that they marry immediately. So they eloped two days later at the Four Seasons Hotel in Santa Barbara, California, with each of their best friends serving as best man and maid of honor. Although the two plan to renew their vows soon so that their family and friends can bear witness to their eternal pledge of love, they are content with their blended family of six which includes their four-week-old daughter, Morgan Michelle,and her brothers and sisters.

“The funny thing is, when Courtney and I started dating she had no idea that I was an actor until a friend of hers told her who I was,” White says with a laugh, “but that’s okay, because she’s my wife now, forever and always.” -Essence

1 comment:

  1. I just tell some of my single friends to give this a try!!!


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