Thursday, November 19, 2009

Opinion: RIP Shaniya Davis by NYC Gossip Girl

By NYC Gossip Girl

I know this story is not hip hop related but I'm a mother and have to talk about the evil involving this case. How in the hell, as a mother, do you willingly give your child up for prostitution?! How can you give your 5 year old daughter to a man you don't know and have no idea what he's going to do to your precious little girl?!

I, personally, have trouble leaving my daughters with just anybody. Something in me won't allow it. Which is probably why I can't go to every event I'm invited to or can't interview every celeb I would love to. If my kids are not straight, then, I can't do it. My kids come first.
I'm saying this because I just cannot fathom how a mother can be so cruel and selfish! This case had me crying and thinking about my own little girls.

Best believe, if one of my daughters was not where she was supposed to be I would be everywhere in my power looking for her! Period! My question is where was the father when all of this was going down? Stuff like this just doesn't happen overnight. There had to be some suspicions of funny business going on or are these idiots that blind and stupid?!

As for Mario McNeill (the man who was caught on surveillance camera at a hotel with Shaniya), Lord Jesus, please forgive me, but I hope they kill him.

Here is the press conference below:

Rest in peace Shaniya! Your pain is over and you are now with God where you will experience nothing but LOVE!

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