Sunday, July 25, 2010

Wendy Williams and Her Wigs

NY Times

To borrow Wendy Williams’s trademark greeting: “Wendy, how you doin?’ ” If it’s a Sunday, the answer is: fantastic. Ms. Williams, 46, treats her day of rest from “The Wendy Williams Show” as just that, preferably ensconced in her she-cave in the suburbs of Essex County, N.J. Her husband, Kevin Hunter, 38, and son, Kevin Hunter Jr., 9, know better than to attempt to pry the gossip and advice queen away from a day of bad television and great wigs.

Ms. Williams was been known to wear a wig.

UP ALONE I wake up around 8 o’clock in the morning. I am an early riser. I have a good couple hours by myself. I make my own coffee. I like it strong.

BREAKFAST LIGHT We’re all trying to watch our weight. Now that I’m on TV, it’s more important that I look reasonably well. Sunday breakfast consists of juicing. My husband is....full article

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