Wednesday, December 14, 2011
If I were a rich White kid- response to Fortune Magazine Gene Marks's story "If I were a poor Black kid"
The President did give an excellent speech about inequality. “This is the defining issue of our time.” He said. “This is a make-or-break moment for the middle class, and for all those who are fighting to get into the middle class. Because what’s at stake is whether this will be a country where working people can earn enough to raise a family, build a modest savings, own a home, secure their retirement.” President Obama is always right. The growing gap between the rich and poor is getting worse and needs to be changed asap. The 99% will succeed with the growing use of social networks and other tech based apps that allow their voices to be heard. The President as always made me have a better understanding of my goals as a Black man in America.
Gene Mark states "The President’s speech got me thinking. My kids are no smarter than similar kids their age from the inner city. My kids have it much easier than their counterparts from West Philadelphia. The world is not fair to those kids mainly because they had the misfortune of being born two miles away into a more difficult part of the world and with a skin color that makes realizing the opportunities that the President spoke about that much harder. This is a fact. In 2011." source I am not a rich White kid. I'm a black man who runs a blog visited by over 100,000 visitors/ per month. My parents have a middle class background and I'm working hard to advance my education. My kids will have an opportunity, because I will push them and make sure I make it happen for them in this world. The opportunities for rich white kids are endless.
I know that everyone in this country has a chance to succeed, especially them. Still. In 2011. a rich White kid in Beverly Hills. It takes mommy and daddy's money. It takes big donors from my parents tech company and inheritance. Oh yes, my trust is great too. It takes resources we have like money to beat the "poor black kid" who has nothing. As someone who runs an African-american news blog, I know this. If I was a rich white kid, I would most importantly make sure my parents sent me to the best schools and bought the naming rights to the school gymnasium. I wouldn't have to read too much, but I would to get the best grades. I know that being a student in an exclusive elite all white private school keeps me grounded as a wasp. The better grades I get, the better chance I would have of getting into exclusive fraternities when I get into an Ivy League University, that my dad attended and gave a dowry to for the new technology center. I would be #1 in school, because for the most part my path was chosen when I was born. I'm a rich white kid. What could go wrong? Technology is always readily available. My parents have broadband/cable internet service. I also have the latest smartphone that enables me to log on to the internet. I heard that inner city kids don't have access to technology because wifi can only go but so far and the Dell outlet that this guy named Gene Mark's mentioned as computers that are cheap to me, but could cost alot more to someone like a "poor black kid." Most of the schools that "poor black kids" attend don't have wifi or access to broadband/ cable so their services are much harder to use.
My parents have 5 computers so, its simple for me to always get one. Being that I'm a rich white kid, I know for a fact that inner city teachers have always complained that internet access and computers are not in the homes of their students, therefore the tools mentioned by Mr. Marks wouldn't be used by them. If I was a rich white kid, I'd use my parents computer and teach myself how to code. I'd create iphone apps,websites, and build with other tech savvy kids my age. Studying is easy for me online, because I have access to sparknotes and google. Its not a big deal to go online because I have the means to do it. As a rich White kid, I can go with my Dad to TED and like I said before we have online access, so doing research online for various assignments isn't a big deal. Once I did some research I found out that minorities don't have enough role models like teachers in their communities, so it makes it harder for them to be inspired. I also found out that there's a rich and varied history of African-Americans involved with technology that could be brought into their school lesson plans. Is this easy? Yes for me it is. I'm rich and white. I'm special and I have connections with movers and shakers who can make it happen for me. Impossible..thats a joke. Did I tell you that I'm rich and white. Doing research I found out that there are discriminatory measures put in place to keep the progress of African americans from making gains. Is this possible..of course. Will it be admitted..never. I also found out some research that black boys are placed into special education classes at a higher rate than other ethnic groups.
Is special education a dead end? No, not always but the support sometimes isn't there like a general education class. I have the tools and technology, but why can't we pass a bill to even the playing field amongst the poor and the rich? Why can't the House pass a bill to tax the rich and make more opportunities for the poor? My research led me to this question. In Philadelphia, there are nationally recognized magnet schools like Mr. Marks suggested, but for the most part these magnet schools are exclusive to my white kids. As a rich white kid, I can go online and do research about this school and find out how to get in.
The scholarships that I recall Mr. Marks talking about, my friends who are rich and white already got them. Again, how does a poor black kid use "technology" to get into a school for rich white kids, when they can't afford a computer and the supporting broadband internet service needed to compete. I get good grades, but I'm rich and white so its not a big deal for me to use technology and get into exclusive schools that my parents have given endowments. And once admitted to one of these schools the first person I’d introduce myself to would be the school’s guidance counselor. This is the person who will one day help me go to a college. This is the person who knows everything there is to know about financial aid, grants, minority programs and the like. This is the person who may also know of job programs and co-op learning opportunities that I could participate in.
This is the person who could help me get summer employment at a law firm or a business owned by the 1% where I could meet people and show off my stuff. If I was a rich white kid, I'd learn code and build an app that my parents can put on the ios for itunes store. If I was a rich white kid, I would get even more than I have right now and keep getting whatever my parents will buy for me. I can study anytime in my mansion. My academic skills would be excellent, because my parents can afford to send me to the best tutoring programs. Because a rich white kid, has an inheritance and parents who can afford to send me to the best schools,they wil go to college. The playing field is uneven right now and the do-nothing Congress is keeping with the focus of keeping minorities from opportunities, by suppressing voting rights and voting down a jobs bill that is needed for all communities everywhere. As a rich white kid, I know I will find a job, because I'm white. I don't have to worry about getting stopped by the police or not getting a job based on my race. Rich white kids always succeed. President Obama is right that the biggest problem we face is the growing gap between the rich and the poor.
The biggest challenge we face is inequality and ignorance. Single parent households and discriminatory tactics make the playing field uneven. Single parent and lower income households have raised excellent role models like Dr. Benjamin Carson and Tavis Smiley. Teachers try to do everything they can, but they face governors who are so bent on union busting and defunding public education. Technology can help these kids. If we can just get the Republicans to level the playing field by taxing the 1%, we could get somewhere and put a computer with broadband i every lower income home in the United States.
The opportunity is there for those of us who have the means and resources to live the American Dream. If I was a rich white kid..I don't live the American Dream..I am the American Dream.
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