Monday, December 19, 2011

NYC Gossip Girl Introduction

Happy Monday! I hope this new week brings you all much success and happiness. It is the holiday season so I hope for the most part you've got all your shopping out of the way. But now, let me introduce myself. I am the NYC Gossip Girl and I have my own site I have been writing for for about 4 years now and it has been a wonderful ride. From celebrity interviews, gossip, exclusives and my blogger confessions, nothing has been off limits. You've all got to know me a little bit better through my posts.

Now, things have gotten a little crazy throughout my employment here as Ziti will tell you. From cease and desist letters to threats of being sued, I think I've experienced all I can in this entertainment world. However, things have only gotten better. So with all of that said, I promise to bring you nothing but the best in entertainment gossip, interviews, exclusives and anything in between. I can almost guarantee you will not be disappointed. I will be posting three articles a week.....sometimes even more with the title "NYC Gossip Girl" along with the subject of the story.

So let's get ready to ride this thing till the wheels fall off! And of course I'll be posting an exclusive interview very shortly. Also, if there's anything you would like to see posted feel free to contact me at to shoot me your ideas. I'm open to hearing your thoughts and thanks for listening!

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