Saturday, July 28, 2012 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With... Demetrius and Jacqueline Irick, authors of I'm Finally a Man

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Demetrius Irick, author of I’m Finally a Man
(DeeJak’s Publishing Company)

Click here to read reviews of I'm Finally a Man by Demetrius & Jacqueline Irick on Amazon Kindle

 Born in the small town of Orangeburg, SC, there was little for the youth to do and limited opportunity for growth. Demetrius turned to drugs, crime and alcoholism as a means for excitement. At the point of no return and the brink of insanity, incarceration became his wake up call. After serving four years in prison, Demetrius returned to society determined to live a positive and more productive life.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write I’m Finally a Man?

Demetrius Irick: My inspiration to write I'm Finally a Man comes from the desire to help another brother. I also need to tell everyone about the miracles I’ve witnessed through Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As I reflected on my life, I saw so much pain, poor decisions and hurt that I wanted to prevent someone else from going down a similar path if possible.

JP: What sets I’m Finally a Man apart from other books in the same genre?

DI: First, I'm Finally a Man has several dynamics that set it apart. I have not read many memoirs told from the individual side and their significant other. The first part of the book gives a brief history and quickly goes into my transition from adolescence to being a thug. It then travels through my drug addictions and mental insanity.

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that led to I’m Finally a Man getting out to the public?

DI: Faith. I knew while I was locked down that I was going to write a story about my life. I didn’t take it very seriously. I wrote the first two chapters of I'm Finally a Man and stopped. I knew that this word needed to reach someone.

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take you to start and finish I’m Finally a Man?

D.I: I'm Finally a Man took a decade. As I stated, there were several setbacks. I got discouraged and sat the project down for several years. The first two drafts were destroyed when my computer crashed. I felt so defeated and gave up. After a while, I kept having these reminders about the book. Several friends, family and coworkers would ask about it, and it really told me that I needed to get this book out.

JP: What’s next for Demetrius Irick?

DI: I will continue to write and produce books. Recently, my wife and I created our own publishing company to help first time authors through the maze of self publishing. We had a horrible experience and would like to make the next author more aware of the process and get them the most out of their work.

Click here to read the full interview of 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With... Demetrius & Jacqueline Irick, authors of I'm Finally a Man: A Husband's Journey to Manhood.

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