Sunday, April 21, 2013 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With... Jae Henderson, author of "Forever and a Day"

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About "Forever and a Day":

Tee and Michael Stokes have realized that life for them will never be normal. As heads of a new entertainment management company and expecting parents, it’s now more important than ever to figure out if their stalker, Rebecca DeFoy, is dead or alive. If she’s alive, will she kill again? If she’s dead, who is impersonating her and why? Whichever the case, they must put an end to the harassment once and for all before she puts an end to them. 

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write “Forever and a Day”?

Jae Henderson: My inspiration for the entire trilogy is my love for people and my desire to help others live the best life possible. I believe our relationship with God is a major part of that. I want to encourage others to read their Bible and seek His will for their lives. I also want to let the world know that Christians have fun! So many people think that you stop having fun and live a boring life in order to do God’s will. That is so not true.

JP: What sets “Forever and a Day” apart from other books in the same genre?

JH: It is a writer’s ability to tell a story as only he or she can that sets our books apart. Although, I write inspirational/Christian romance, I strive to incorporate humor, adventure, and suspense in them as well. I don’t want my readers to be able to put the book down, but I don’t want a book filled with nothing but drama either. (read more) 

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that led to “Forever and a Day” getting out to the public?

JH: Here are some of the keys to my success:
1. Faith
2. I had an exciting story to tell in a way that I believed only I could tell it
3. Determination
4. The desire to learn how to do this right and be successful at it
5. A great team to assist me
6. Patience (read more) 

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take you to start and finish “Forever and a Day”?

JH: It usually takes me about six months or more to write a book. Although, that depends on how many breaks I take during my writing process. I don’t write consistently. I’ve learned that my breaks help create a better story because I can go back and look it with “fresh eyes” and I often see things within my plots, characters, settings, etc. that I didn’t see before. Editing and revision is such an important part of the creative process. (read more) 

JP: What’s next for Jae Henderson?

JH: I am currently working on two new inspirational romance novels but the titles are still in development. I’m also editing a couple of short stories from my “Things Every Good Woman Should Know” estory series. I plan to release “You Are Beautiful II” and “Actions Have Consequences” this summer. My current estories can be purchased for $0.99 on and My novels are there as well. (read more) 

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