Sunday, April 21, 2013

Lessons Learned from Rick Ross Rape Lyrics

Over the past few weeks the internet and various social media outlets have been buzzing about Rick Ross and the rape lyrics in his latest song, 'U.O.E.N.O'.  In the song, Ross says, "Put a molly all in her champagne/ She ain't even know it/ I took her home and I enjoyed that/ She ain't even know it." Disgusting. Clearly, Ross is describing rape. Although he has since apologized and insists that this is all a misunderstanding and a misinterpretation, we know better. Well, most of us anyway.

In light of the rape lyric controversy, the popular sneaker company, Reebok dropped Ross as a spokesperson. Now, I thought this was a great move but I was shocked to see the number of people tweeting in support of Ross and dragging Reebok. What? This man raps about raping a woman, loses his endorsement because of it and you're mad at Reebok for dropping him? I thought I was missing something at first, but then I saw more and more tweets in support of Ross and the actions described in the lyrics. The fact that some people actually agreed with Ross and cosigned his actions turned my stomach and made me think of my own two young daughters and the seriousness of the matter. Call me naive, but I had no idea just how deep the rape culture was. Heck, it's so deep that Ross actually thought he could rap about it and come out unscathed. #epicfail

Like it or not, you must admit that Ross is rapping about reality (contrary to his forced apology). According to 89,000 rape cases are reported in the US annually. This number alone is appalling and it's only 'reported' cases. Many women don't come forward for various reasons (fear, shame, etc.). Our young daughters and sons need to understand the seriousness of rape. It's not just a rap lyric, it's real life. You cannot slip something in a person's drink and then have unconsentual sex with them, and yes, it's still rape if 'she ain't even know it'. You cannot force a woman to have sex with you because you know her or you think she somehow owes it to you because you took her on a date. In no way does knowing a person, taking them on a date, buying them something or any other convoluted scenario a rapist could dream up constitute rape. There is no rationalizing rape. There is no justifying rape. As cliche as it may sound to some, no means no. It's just that simple. We have to make sure that we explain this to our sons so they do not become perpetrators of this crime and to our daughters so they do not become their victims. Prom season is right around the corner, have a talk with your sons and daughters and make sure they understand exactly what rape is. Don't make the assumption that they already know. It's always better to be safe, than sorry.

The Ad Council used to run a PSA with the tagline 'you can learn a lot from a dummy', well Rick Ross was that dummy in this instance. He has forced me to read more about the rape culture in this country and he opened my eyes to the ignorance of individuals who support it.

Thanks for the lesson Rick. I  hope you learned one too.

by Corrin K. Jones

Twitter: @SweatHeartBoss

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