Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Weekend Weigh In - We Fall Down but We Get Up!

This was NOT my best week folks. Although I hit my 21 day mark (number of days it takes to form a habit) my performance this week was less than stellar by far. First off, I only worked out twice this week *sighs* and I truly have no one to blame but myself and my lack of planning. My husband and I both keep busy work schedules and I just did not plan accordingly to make time to workout. Then my husband, who subconsciously has a tendacy to sabotage my progress, made a trip to Brooklyn and brought home a few different cheesecakes from the one and only restaurant, Juniors. Now, if you know anything about this place, you know how incredibly good their cheesecake is. Since I'm a sucker for sweets, I simply could not resist. Now, I didn't go in like I normally would. I paced myself and didn't eat everything he brought home but I definitely indulged more than I should have in the Red Velvet Cheesecake. I literally felt guilty with every bite but I kept eating, so I have no one to blame but myself (and my husband of course). Now, the weigh in...girl, bye. I lost NO weight at all! *bangs head against keyboard* I called my scale everything but a child of God, even though I know the scale wasn't to blame ( I apologized later so we're good now, I hope). Between my failed workout plan and my cheesecake indulgence, I already knew that my weigh in would not be good, I'm just surprised that I didn't gain any weight (trying to look at the bright side).

Now, even though I know this was my worst week so far, I did learn a few lessons that will prevent this from happening again. First, no more cheesecake! Until I can learn to control my portions, I just have to steer clear of these things. I'm currently at an 'all or none' stage in my diet plan so it's better for me to have none than to eat it all. Secondly, I have to plan my workouts in advance but I must leave room for the unexpected because things happen and plans do change (always have a plan B). I have to remember that I do not have to leave my house to workout. There are plenty of workouts On Demand to utilize. I also have Zumba and the Biggest Loser for the Wii that I could have used (ok the more I write the more I realize how dumb it was that I didn't workout more last week). Heck, I could've free styled and just made up my own routine based on what I already know and a few YouTube searches. Yeah, I failed.

Yes, I fell but I got back up and this week will be better! In fact, tomorrow kicks off my 10 day juice fast and I'm really excited about it (check back for details). We all have those off days, but the most important thing is to not give up. No need in crying over spilled milk (or eaten cheesecake), you just have to learn from your mistakes and keep it moving. When we know better, we do better.

Did you weigh in this week and if so, how was it? How do you bounce back from a bad week? Please leave your comments in the section below.

Corrin K. Jones

twitter: @SweatHeartBoss

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