Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Weekend Weigh In (Week 2) - Zumba and Brownie Brittle

They say it takes 21 days to make a habit and this weekend I hit the 14 day marker so I'm almost there. Although I have to admit that I still struggle with my snacking habits, I must say that I'm more conscious of what I snack on and how much of it I consume. The 'My Fitness Pal' app plays a major part in my weight loss journey. It really keeps me accountable and forces me to eat smarter and keep track of my calorie intake which in turn translates in to weight loss. I'm down another 2 pounds this week and I know that a huge part of that is credited to my diet. Instead of indulging in soda and donuts, I've been snacking on Greek yogurt, pretzels, fresh fruit and my latest obsession, Brownie Brittle! Wendy Williams did a segment on her show the other week about healthy, low calorie snacks and this company, Sheila G's Brownie Brittle was one of the featured items. It's basically the crispy edge of the brownie and it is fantastic! The best part of all is that 6 pieces is only 120 calories so you can indulge in that sweet tooth and not undo your day. You can buy them online or at your local BJs Wholesale Club. Check out their site (www.browniebrittle.com) to see what other locations carry them.

The other major part of my weight loss journey are my workouts. Last week I somehow managed to fit in five sessions for at least 1 hour each. Four of my five workouts involved running and the elliptical machine so I managed to cover a total of 11 miles (I'm still in disbelief). My fifth workout was a one hour Zumba class which was both fun and challenging. Now normally, I only do Zumba on the Wii in the privacy of my home because I have no rhythm (just like poor Carlton up there). I prefer a safer, no laughing zone, but my good friend and college roommate recently became an instructor so I wanted to support her. Well, I did better than expected and managed to keep up for the most part (I just free-styled on the parts I couldn't catch on to).  I definitely broke a sweat and felt a little sore the next day which is a good sign for me.

I know I've only lost 5 pounds since I began this journey 2 weeks ago, but I consider that a milestone for me. Normally, I would've fallen off by now and set a new start date, but not this time. I really am committed to getting in shape and leading a healthier lifestyle. Although I wish I could speed up the weight loss process, I know that this is a process that can't be rushed, especially if I expect long term results. Besides, Rome wasn't built in a day...and my new, fit body won't be either.

Did you weigh in this weekend, and if so, how did it go? What are some of your favorite healthy snacks? Please share in the comments section below.

Corrin K. Jones
twitter: @SweatHeartBoss

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