Friday, May 3, 2013

Exclusive: Interview with Classical Singer, Recording Artist, Actress BRIDGETTE COOPER

Bridgette Cooper is a beautiful and talented classical singer, recording artist and actress. Ms. Cooper received her Bachelor of Music in Opera Performance from East Carolina University where she was awarded the outstanding college students of America award.

After that she went on to study at the prestigious American Institute of Musical Studies in Graz, Austria. She is no stranger to hard work and thus her many awards and honors have proven just that. Recently she was awarded the 2012 Marian Anderson Scholar award and also being a recipient of the 2012 Distinguished Alumni Award from East Carolina University School of Music, her alma mater.

One of her guest soloist engagements included being able to pay tribute to First Lady Michelle Obama at the People’s Inaugural Luncheon! She has an extremely long list of recognitions and is well deserving of them all.

EARLY YEARS: At the age of about 10 or 11 her voice teacher complimented on her voice but at that time music didn't even spark a real interest to her. It wasn't until she performed in a concert where she received a standing ovation that her parents saw something in her that they never really took interest in before. From that point on she began to develop her craft and really began to flourish once she began to attend college. As her love for classical music grew she felt it even more important to introduce it to those who weren't familiar with that style of music.

WHAT’S GOING ON NOW: Presently she has several projects she is working on, one being a classical piece that she is basing off of book Chrystallia and The Source of Light by Paul Michael Glaser. She just had an idea that it would be a great idea to turn it into an opera so she contacted him and as a result she has already begun the beginning stages of putting it together. Now that’s what I call making a move! Going after something you want…and making it happen.  She also recently completed her debut CD Heavenly Grass: Great American Art Songs which is available now on, Best Buy, Walden Books, and all digital distribution outlets including Apple iTunes.

In addition to being an opera singer and a recording artist she is also an actress. She will be starring in a one woman show about the life of Marian Anderson that will be showcased at the theatre festival this June. She says “this is something that has been on mind for years but I’m so glad that I am going to have the opportunity to do it”. Musically she looks up to Marian Anderson and after receiving the 2012 Marian Anderson award it is only befitting that she would be blessed with this opportunity to act out Anderson’s life.
TayLang’s Signature Question: If you were in another part of the world where no one knew who Bridgette Cooper was how would you introduce yourself?
“How I would do that would be pretty much what I usually do…I love to meet people and I love to share. I would incorporate everything I do in society. Being an opera singer and a singer but being a humanitarian is much more important to me. I would start there.”

Bridgette Cooper is about to set the pace for more women to come up behind her and shine. Her presence, smile and style is capturing the attention of many. Stay tuned and glued to her timeline because she is a trailblazer and the best is yet to come!

Special Thanks to Bridgette and Double XXposure

Follow Her:
Blog: The MezzoMaven Blog
Twitter: @bridgettcooper
Facebook: Bridgette Cooper, Mezzo Soprano


- TayLang

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