Sunday, May 5, 2013 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With... Nicole Dunlap, author of Miss Scandalous

About "Miss Scandalous":

Raven Shaw has been abandoned by love. Her mom preferred Hollywood and her childhood best-friend, now ex-lover, disappeared when she became pregnant. Now, she’s adjusted to a “new” kind of love…motherhood. She’s determined that her daughter will have everything she didn’t.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write “Miss Scandalous: Shaw Family Saga Book 2″?

Nicole Dunlap: “Miss Scandalous” is the second part of the dysfunctional lives of Raven and Charlene Shaw. I was initially inspired to write about Raven because I have counseled a lot of children and teens who’ve been abandoned by their parents.

JP: What sets “Miss Scandalous: Shaw Family Saga Book 2″ apart from other books in the same genre?

ND: I write character driven stories where you can fully relate to and think about the characters long after finishing “Miss Scandalous”. The stories that stay on a reader’s mind after ending have the greatest impact. As humans, I’m only referencing those who strive for the best in themselves. We are neither perfect nor are we imperfect – villain or heroine. (read more) 

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that led to “Miss Scandalous: Shaw Family Saga Book 2″ getting out to the public?

ND: Determination it is the most fundamental mindset to have when being a self-published author. It encompasses faith, motivation, and the resolve that I have while doing the dreaded marketing. (read more) 

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take you to start and finish “Miss Scandalous: Shaw Family Saga Book 2″?

ND: I have a sporadic, yet systematic, writing process. It usually takes six months to start and finish a book. During the first round, I write it all out. The scenes might be excessively long, but writing is therapy. (read more) 

JP: What’s next for Nicole Dunlap?

ND: “Miss Perfect” will show my constant need to evolve as the “gumbo genre novelist.” The story will have more mystery, action, and suspense but, I will never stray from the drama base. (read more)

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