Monday, May 6, 2013 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With... Ladi M., author of "9 Orange Roses"

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About "9 Orange Roses":

“9 Orange Roses” chronicles the relentless sexual escapades of a woman whose insatiable sexual appetite leads her into on new experience after another.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write “9 Orange Roses”?

Ladi M.: I had gone through a very rough period in my life. I was on the beach looking at the water and contemplating killing myself. Then I saw a rock in the middle of the water, and my imagination took over. Could I swim to the rock, or would I let the water swallow me?

JP: What sets “9 Orange Roses” apart from other books in the same genre?

LM: “9 Orange Roses” is my first book. It is pretty raw around the edges but delivers some mind blowing visuals. It is short and very to the point. (read more) 

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that led to “9 Orange Roses” getting out to the public?

LM: The Keys to Success are believing in yourself, not being confined or worried about what others will think, never giving up, networking, a good and non-judgmental support group and prayer. (read more) 

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take you to start and finish “9 Orange Roses”?

LM: My writing process from now own will differ from the writing process that I used for “9 Orange Roses”. While writing this one, I had the beauty and the sounds of the ocean as my background, and I just wrote the first things that came to mind. (read more) 

JP: What’s next for Ladi M.?

LM: What is next for me is to continue to keep writing stories that people will enjoy. I also want to keep improving my craft, my creativity and my storytelling skills. (read more) 

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