Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Weekend Weigh In - Snacks on Snacks on Snacks!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day! The kids and I hung out at the Jersey Shore and enjoyed the food and the sun. We visited Belmar Beach which was hit pretty hard by hurricane Sandy last fall but they're recovering well. If you have the opportunity this summer, go visit the Jersey beaches and support the local businesses. #restoretheshore

Okay, so this week was pretty good. I ate alright and worked out 5 times. I'm getting to the point where I don't love to work out but I know it's necessary so I deal. It's really become a part of my regular routine. Now, I'm still on my cardio kick which means I'm not doing all of the strength training I should. Cardio burns more calories so this is what I primarily focus on. I'm sure professional trainers would disagree with some of my workout regimen, but I'm not a professional so... 
Anyway, I am still logging my calories and progress on the My Fitness Pal app and last week I burned 2,863 calories, not bad right? I did not go over my daily allotted calorie amount of 1200, in fact, most days I came in under because of my workouts. I'm not sure if this is good or bad because they say you have to eat to lose but I don't understand going to the gym and burning 600 calories just to comeback and eat 600 calories to balance things out. I figure as long as I'm not starving myself, I'm good. I lost another pound this week which bothers me because I should be losing at least 2 pounds a week. However, I think my snacking is to blame. 

I'm like a kid when it comes to snacks! I feel like I need one after every meal and then some in between. It's terrible. Now I am snacking better, no more late night trips to WaWa for an ice cream bar (won't He do it), but I'm still snacking too much. The calories I consume in snacking per day adds up to more than each of my three main meals for the day. *raises hand* My name is Corrin, and I'm addicted to snacks. I know I have a problem, but I'm working on it. This week I'm limiting myself to a snacking maximum of 200 calories per day (I'm sweating already). Above are two of my favorite snacks: Motts Peach Mango Applesauce (90 cals) and Weight Watchers Strawberry Smoothie Bars (60 cals). Both are low calorie but don't taste like it at all. The applesauce comes in a 6 pack and is under $4 and the smoothie bars come in a 12 pack and cost under $5. Tasty and affordable! And before your mind starts to wandering, I buy these 2 items on my own, with my own money. I'm not being sponsored and they aren't being given to me for free. Same goes for any items I've written about so far. (However, I'm not opposed to free low cal snacks so email me if you have something you'd like me to try and give an HONEST review on). Anyway, these babies will surely get me through the week with 50 calories to spare. 

How was your week and what are some of your favorite low cal snacks? Weigh in below.

Corrin K. Jones
twitter: @SweatHeartBoss

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