Monday, June 10, 2013

Weekend Weigh In - Please Pass the Pasta

Hi everyone! Last week was challenging to say the least. My niece got married in a beautiful ceremony and the reception was fabulous! It was at a restaraunt called Maggiano's Little Italy, so you know carbs were on deck. Since it was a special occasion, I treated myself to a some pasta and some desserts (yes that's plural). They were small portions so I guess I'm improving in the portion control department because everything was good and I really wanted more but I resisted. Now, I'd like to say I danced it off, but since I lack rhythm and they never played the 'Cupid Shuffle', (the only line dance that doesn't confuse me) I didn't. *deep sigh* Then the next day I went to my good friends birthday dinner at a Cuban Restaraunt called Alma de Cuba. It was wonderful! I had Cuban shrimp and grits (yes, more carbs) and I don't regret a single bite. Nope. I'd never had Cuban food before and it was delicious! I didn't do dessert but that was only because I was too full from the grits. #dontjudgeme So, since this was a 'special occasion' weekend,  I kind of over indulged. I only worked out once, and I missed 2 days of tracking my meals on My Fitness Pal. *slaps own wrist* Yeah...I definitely have a weak spot for good food. 

With all of that being said, I somehow still managed to lose a few ounces. I think all the work I've put in these past few months must've boosted metabolism. If I had eaten like this a few months ago, I would've surely gained a few pounds. Not saying I would push my luck and do this again anytime soon...just making an observation. 

Anyway, this week I'm back on my low carb kick and working out. I'm going to divide my gym time between cardio and strength training. I just feel that I need to try something different. I'm also going to continue to watch the snacks I consume to make sure that I'm not overdoing it. 

So, how was your latest weigh in? What is your workout routine? Please comment below. 

Corrin K. Jones
Twitter: @sweatheartboss 

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