Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Prez elect says Only smokin' in the White House will be...the Jazz music!

President elect, Barack Obama, photographed riding a ferry to Pearl Harbor in Hawaii
Barack Obama pledges not to smoke in White House
The jazz will be smoking, but the President won't be in the Obama White House. The President-elect declared Sunday that he would make the First Family's home the "people's house" and open it up for science seminars, kids groups and music - specifically classical and jazz.
There won't be any hipsters lighting up while blowing their horns, however, said Obama, who has been struggling to ditch his own cigarette habit. The soon-to-be quitter in chief told NBC's "Meet The Press" that he will abide by the smoke-free rules of the White House, even if it's tough.


  1. That's great news because smoking is very very bad for you. especially second hand smoke!! FIRST

  2. The first time I heard that our new President smoked, I thought to myself, "El Comandante...he's a "regular" person just like the rest of us." LOL

    I can't help but wonder what brand he smokes. He looks like a 'Marlboro Red' or maybe a 'Marlboro Lights' man to me.

    My brother swears it must be Kools or Camels. Not! El Comandante is way too elegant to be a Camel or Kools man.

    After searching the web relentlessly, I found no legitimate fotos of El Comandante with either a cigarette pack or cigarette itself. He's a "closet" smoker like many of us likely are.

    Here are some very down-to-earth photos of our new President elect. I hope you enoy them.


  3. Thanks! The photos were excellent!I think he smokes Camel!lol

  4. @Lena - You too?! LOL He just does'nt look to be the "Camel" type. I say Marlboros or Benson & Hedges. LOL

    Glad you could appreciate the photos...

  5. brother to the nightDecember 10, 2008 at 3:03 PM

    Thank you for the photographs! Our president is definitely down to earth it seems. Don't think we ever had one like him. I never knew he smoked. I think he's a newport man! I smoke newports.
    Cool post AC welcome aboard!


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