Monday, August 10, 2009

Twitter Outage Threw Me For a Loop!

Alicia Cruz
Senior writer
I know there are more pressing issues going on in the world, but when you're a journalist and writing is your life...a twitter outage can throw you into a tizzy. I couldn't get updates or story leads to save my life. Thank God for outside sources and CNN. Here's the official word on what and who caused the twitter outage:

"The denial-of-service attacks that knocked Twitter out of service for several hours on Thursday was triggered by the targeting of a Georgia blogger who has accounts on Twitter, Facebook, LiveJournal, and Google's Blogger and YouTube, CNET reports.
The blogger tells a British newspaper he believes it is the work of the Kremlin trying to silence him on the one-year anniversary of the fighting between Russia and Georgia over disputed territory.
The CNET report quotes Max Kelly, chief security officer at Facebook, as saying the blogger, who uses the name "Cyxymu," had all his accounts attacked at the same time.
In a denial-of-service attack, a server is flooded with data in an attempt to overwhelm it."

Sounds a little bit crazy to me, but hey, I'm just grateful they've fixed the problem. Theblackurbantimes had a hacker aka hater try to throw us a curveball, but we have a sharp CEO/Editor and as you see, we're still here. Sometimes you never know how much you depend upon/need something until it's gone or for thought.

Happy tweets to one and all!

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