Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cyber Love

A Guide to Successful Internet Dating
The Internet offers us a wide selection of men and women to choose from, but being realistic and honest are key to being successful versus disappointed.

Go After What and Who You Really Want

Don't date potential or hope. Date reality. It's comes with less heartache and drama. If what you want is a single person who is physically and emotionally available right now, don't form relationships disguised as "friendshipship" with married people or people dating someone else when you meet them and then be mad when it either never develops into love or does not develop into what you wanted. And do not try to "date" married people or people who make it clear that they are dating other people. You cannot form a meaningful, honest relationship off of lies, innuendo or game. It will backfire every time...and remember: what goes around, comes around. Karma is like the IRS...eventually, you will pay.

Read Profiles and Believe What They Say

If someone posts a profile saying: "Christian male, looking for friendship first with virtuous woman who enjoys evenings at home and likes to cook," in their personal message, then in the description section says something like, "I am a fun-loving brother with lots of energy; a gentleman who knows how to wine and dine a woman; I am very well endowed and...."

Your reading should stop right there because this profile screams "issues."

No gentleman let alone a...Read More

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