Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Seven 'Scary Brother' Tactics You Need to Look Out For

By Alicia Cruz

All of us have dated a man whose "representative" (i.e. his alter ego) gave such an Emmy Award winning presentation at the beginning of your relationship that you fell for him hook, line and sinker. Despite those nagging jabs your gut kept giving you about him, you decided to give him a chance and forged ahead with a relationship. Sure, he was a little weird, maybe too quiet, and he wasn't exactly your type, but he seemed harmless enough and besides, he acted like he really liked you and he was "so nice."

Recently, though, he's gone from weird and annoying to downright creepy and he's beginning to display some unstable traits that leave you scratching your head, wanting to hire a bodyguard or pay for his mental health evaluation.
There are some things you can work out and pray over, but if he's a man displaying the seven traits I describe below, there's only one thing you can do:
Run or get in your car and just drive until you run out of gas!

Here are seven "scary brother" traits that should have you running for the hills...Full article

©Theblackurbantimes 2009

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