Monday, January 4, 2010

Shirtless - but not 'untouchable' - Tiger in Vanity Fair

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Over the last few months we’ve seen many sides of Tiger Woods as he’s gone from untouchable pro golfer to weekly tabloid fodder. Now, thanks to Vanity Fair, to the world is seeing another side of Tiger: shirtless.

In a photo spread that was shot before the scandal broke, photographer Annie Leibovitz said she tried to capture Woods as the “intensely competitive athlete” he is for the magazine’s February issue.

“I wanted to reveal that in these photos. And to show his incredible focus and dedication,” Leibovitz said.

Unfortunately, those pictures - including the cover shot of a bare-chested, stoic Tiger lifting weights - will have to speak more than 1,000 words, because Tiger himself isn’t talking.

“Friday Night Lights” author Buzz Bissinger recounts the golfer’s fall from grace by taking a closer look at the man behind the endorsements.

Woods, Bissinger writes, is “the age-old clash of image versus reality. He deluded himself into thinking he could be something that he wasn’t: untouchable. The greatest feat of his career is that he managed to get away with it for so long in public, the bionic man instead of the human one who hit a fire hydrant.”

The full essay with Leibovitz’s photos will be on newsstands nationwide next Tuesday.

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