Saturday, April 24, 2010

Sean Garrett Disses Video Vixen Jessenia Vice

I received this information in my inbox and found it rather interesting so I'm going to post it for you guys. Apparently, Sean Garrett was filming a video for his new joint called "Get It All" out in Florida and needed a beautiful girl as his lead. The lead that was chosen by 305 Films was Jessenia Vice. Pictures below of Jessenia:

Jessenia Vice won the Kim Kardashian look alike contest on the Tyra Banks show and was picked by Kim Kardashian herself! Jessenia was also the lead girl in the video "Part Time Lover" by Phar City. Peep Jessenia's cameo below:

305 Films booked Jessenia a first class flight to Florida which was to arrive at 10am. Photo of 1st class flight below:

It just so happens that call time for the videoshoot was 8am and the director of the video, Gil Green, couldn't wait for Jessenia to arrive. To make a long story short, the crew ended up not using Jessenia as the lead but used someone else. 305 Films realizing there was a screw up sent her a check in the amount of $1000 for her troubles. Picture of the check below:

Do you think she deserves an apology from Sean Garrett or does 305 owe her the apology? Would love to hear what you guys think about this. I hope everyone can just work it out! Enjoy the song that caused all this controversy below:

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