Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Chicago Man Wanted for Harassing Local Sheriff

By Alicia Cruz
The Black Urban Times

The Chicago Tribune has reported that a Crest Hill man still bitter over his 2002 divorce has been arrestd and charged with illegally recording his phone conversations with the Will County sheriff and posting them on YouTube.

Saad Noah, 52, has posted more than 200 videos of himself, almost always in a dark suit and tie, ranting and raving about his case and the legal system. Several of the videos feature phone conversations with Sheriff Paul Kaupas that were allegedly recorded without Kaupas' consent or knowledge.

In 2002, the disbruntled auto technician filed for divorce from his wife, Khawla, after 17 years of marriage. For reason unknown, Noah failed to appear in court and the judge granted the divorce, awarding sole custody of the couple's four children to his ex-wife.

Since the dissolution of the marriage, Khawla has been forced to file several restraining orders aginst Noah, the most recent in 2006 after he allegedly told her "he will divorce her his way."

Noah, who has been charged with three felony counts of eavesdropping, is also wanted on a 2006 misdemeanor warrant after a jury found him guilty of resisting a peace officer.

In several of Noah's videos and a 20-page filing in his resisting police case, Noah argues that the divorce wasn't legal and accuses those involved with the case of everything from treason to bigamy.

According to the Chicago Tribune, in one recording, Noah complains that sheriff's deputies treid to kill him when he arrived at court one day and prevented him from attending a hearing on his divorce. In another recording, Kaupas starts to laugh as Noah calls him a scarecrow — superimposing in the video Kaupas' head over a scarecrow's body and gives him "24 hours" to turn over court records.

Pat Barry, the sheriff's spokesman told the Chicago Tribune that Noah is "walking the tightrope," and added that Noah didn't "really do threats — he belittles them is all." The sheriff said he saw Noah more as "a nuisance than anything else. If nothing else, hopefully we can get him some help."

Noah is being sought on a $300,000 warrant.

Media Outlets must credit
The Black Urban Times

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