Saturday, June 12, 2010

Can a Man Actually Be 'Taken' ?

Hello Beautiful's "Yeah She Said It" is telling it like it -t-i-s again. She was so "right on," I had to share it with my readers.

Some of us women are so eager and available to tap dance on the grave of another woman when we're vying for the affections (or in some cases, INfections) of a "man" that we'll degrade ourselves and malign another woman with the hopes of showing Mr. Wonderful what a "real" woman we are.

Yeah she said speaks about such insanity in her latest article. Check it out:

By Yeah She Said It

For Hello Beautiful

I Really Want To Be With Him But I Think He Is Playing Me

I have noticed as of late that there have been two contrasting opinions about whether a man can truly be “taken” from another woman. I must admit it is a conflicting situation. However, I am of the opinion that a man cannot necessarily be taken but he damn sure can be enticed to leave. Now some people may not feel that there is a big difference between the two.

If the other woman is sleeping with the married men then yes she is enticing him to leave his wife. I do feel as though it is always the man’s final decision to stay faithful to his wife or to cheat on her. But if another woman is there and she knows that he is married and she either entices him to cheat or assists him in cheating by spreading her legs despite her knowing his relationship status, then yes she is as much to blame as he is. Even your precious Alicia Keys has some blame in this situation. Sorry stans.

6 Ways To Tell That He Has Fallen In Love With You?

It is a sad day when women will defend the actions of another woman who knew that the man was married by saying comments like “well his wife should have been handling her business” and using that as justification for in all honesty…Full Article Here

Media Outlets must credit
The Black Urban Times

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