Saturday, June 12, 2010

Nicki Minaj Is Getting Sued!!!!

Seems like the trouble never ends for Nicki Minaj. If it isn't someone coming at her verbally then it's someone wanting to sue her! Well according to Hip Hollywood, the new saga is that during the taping for the "Massive Attack" video, the infamous pink lamborghini that was used was only supposed to be sitting around looking pretty and not to be driven. As we all know, Amber Rose was driving the vehicle and from what the court documents are stating caused about $11,589.41 in damages for driving the vehicle off road!! The production crew was not mindful of returning the vehicle back on time so there's a late fee of about $5,250. Talk about mismanagement! Here's a sneak peek into what the court documents basically say below:

Is all of this worth trying to be a Barbie? I'm just saying! Nicki is surely getting a run for her money with her new found success I would say. Had this have been me....this would've never have happened! ;-) To make matters worse, the pink Lambo was videotaped being driven and shown to the world via MTV and BET so there's no denying it....the car was indeed taken off the road and into the desert. What's Nicki to do? Drama after drama huh? If you are interested in seeing the full court docs, check them out below:

And for those of you who missed out on "Massive Attack", check out the video below:

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