Saturday, July 3, 2010

Book Review: "Relay-tionships" by Andreia Solomon Burke

by Andreia Solomon Burke
Reviewed by A. Jarrell Hayes

Relationships come and go; some faster than others. There are some we can’t seem to let go of; we cling to them. That is, unless we make drastic changes – like pick up and move to another state.

Lane, the protagonist in Andreia Solomon Burke’s novel Relay-tionships, decides to do when she catches her boyfriend Dre cheating on her in her bed. Lane leaves her life in Brooklyn and transplants down to Atlanta, where she immerses herself in her career and her friendship with her New York buddy Char. Both of them had the scent of failed relationships lingering like cigar smoke on clothes in New York, and they both feel the change of scenery would do them good.

Eventually, Atlanta gives Lane the man of her dream: Clay, the CEO of his own music company. Lane at first notices Clay from a distance, and is determined to track him down. Although, she finds him, their initial encounter is comical on Lane’s part. She wasn’t prepared for the smoothness of Clay’s moves.

Throughout their budding relationship, Lane seems unprepared for the perfect gentleman behavior Clay exhibits. For Lane, her past relationships weigh on her mind and one threatens to destroy her new found love. Clay gives everything Lane could ask for: time, attention, wonderful conversation, surprise gifts, and great sex. Unfortunately, the distance from Brooklyn to Atlanta isn’t expansive enough to keep her ex Dre from popping back into Lane’s life.

Not only that, but Lane goes through personal problems involving her mother and her friends. Lane is the type of woman who remains loyal and self-sacrificing to those important to her; the thing is can she stay loyal and true to herself, maybe even being a bit selfish at times?

Lane’s story is of a woman being pulled every which way, even when her obligations are self-imposed. She’s also a sharp and headstrong protagonist; she keeps the story moving at the pace she sets. The dialogue between Lane and Char are hilarious and full of love and attitude, showing the deep bond between the two women.

Although the book could use another round of editing, Burke’s writing is full of spunk and lively characters. The story takes readers on unexpected turns, and leaves them teetering on a cliffhanger at the end.

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