Saturday, October 2, 2010

Brain of Dead Staten Isle Teen on Display for Students, Parents Set to Sue

GRUESOME: Staten Island teen Jesse Shipley was killed in a 2005 car crash buthad to be buried twice  when classmates shockingly discovered ona field trip that his brain was on display at a city morgue.

NY Post: Chad Rachman

First their son was stolen from them in a car crash -- and then the teen's brain was taken by the city's medical examiner.

Andre and Korisha Shipley didn't make the "Frankenstein"-like discovery that their son Jesse's brain was missing from his body until two months after he was buried, when some of the teen's classmates -- on a school tour of a Staten Island morgue -- saw the organ floating in a jar.

The gruesome sight of their friend's remains left many of his classmates "shaking and upset," said the Shipley family's lawyer, Marvin Ben-Aron.

Now an appeals court has given the Shipleys the green light to sue the city and the Medical Examiner's Office over the macabre turn of events that forced them to bury their son twice.

Jesse, 17, was killed in an early-morning smashup on Staten Island on Jan. 9, 2005, when a car carrying him and his sister, Shannon, collided with an SUV. Shannon, then 14, was only banged up but "witnessed...FULL ARTICLE

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