Saturday, October 2, 2010

Marine/Firefighter Stops Cell Phone Thief in Manhattan

By Alicia Cruz
The Black Urban Times

A Marine Corps reservist on duty at Ladder 11, where he works as a firefighter, stopped a purse-snatcher dead in his tracks Friday night as the sprinting thief made his getaway with a woman's purse.

Vinny Brennan sprung into action after hearing the screams of a damsel in distress near his East 2nd Street station house in Manhattan. The thief stole the victim's cellphone and then began running.

Brennan, 34, told the NY Post he saw the man, Steven Varkony, of the Bronx, running towards him and fellow fire fighters around 7:30 p.m.

"My Marine intuition kicked in and I decided this one has got to be stopped," he said.

Firefighters helped Brennan, who has served in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kosovo, hold the thief until police responded to haul Varkony, 32, off to the pokey after charging him with robbery.

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