Thursday, November 25, 2010

The 'Black Man Who Tips' is a Trip....


I'm one who always appreciates good satire, and I got quite a dose of it this afternoon. Check out the blog of "The Black Guy Who Tips" on "8 Reasons Not to Date Black... uh .. I Mean to Date A White Woman..."
1. They Love Animals – white women will not only kiss you on the mouth but they will also kiss your dog on the mouth. While many black women don’t want to own a pet unless they are going to use it for dog fighting, white women will welcome animals of all kinds with open arms. The fact that she is receptive to dealing with your black ass means that she’s already willing to let a savage animal in her house.

2. They Are More Secure – It’s hard to cheat on a black woman. They want an unrealistic relationship based on made up words like “respect” and “monogamy”. Black women are intimidating because of all of their education and Destiny’s Child music collections. Black women see cheating as lazy, disrespectful and disgusting. In the white culture this is just considered an “open relationship”. This is why they love to give oral sex. It's not demeaning to them in any way. White women love to give oral sex like black women hate to go to the gym. Look it up! It's in books and stuff!

3. Fear of A Black Planet – You can’t pull out the “because I’m black!” argument on a black woman when she ask you why you didn’t even attempt to.....MORE

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