Monday, December 13, 2010

Actor Crushed by Hydralic Train Platform in New York Alive, Unconscious

Photo by Mike Day

By Alicia Cruz
The Black Urban Times
A struggling actor remains unconscious on a ventilator at Bellevue Hospital in the surgical intensive-care unit where he was brought Friday evening after becoming stuck between the number 4 train and a hydraulic platform extender at the Union Square station.

Michael Dion cried out in excruciating pain as he remained pinned by the hydraulic platform extender, which pierced into his stomach. Dion slipped down into the space between the train and platform sometime around 10 p.m. Friday  just after the 4 train arrived at the station.

"All those little ridges were in his stomach," said witness Josh Betters, 22.

"He was screaming, and you could hear him over the people crowded around him. Somebody was holding his hand," Betters told The NY Post.

Another witness, Mike Day, of the Bronx was standing in the train by the doors when he saw Dion slip down between the gap.

Day, 30, who snapped these dramatic photos of Dion, said several subway riders tried to help the man, but were unable to push the movable platform with their feet.

"He (Dion) kept saying it was hurting -- he was conscious," said Day. "Every time they tried to pull him, he was like, 'Stop, stop. It hurts too much.' "

Dion, who has starred in several independent films, according to The NY Post, is clinging to life with friends and family by his side and a worn stuffed animal someone tucked under his arm. Hospital staff have refused to comment on the 41-year-old man's condition.

Janice Carter, the train's conductor, said that as soon as she pulled her train into the station and came to a stop, people began banging on her window and shouting that a man was stuck.

"I secured my train and came out to investigate," she said. "It was complete madness. People everywhere. I saw the man between the gap filler and the train. He was yelling."

A contractor arrived at the scene and within 30 minutes, disengaged a tube that released air pressure enabling police and firefighters to free Dion, The NY Post reported.
The MTA continues to investigate the incident.

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