Monday, January 31, 2011

Indonesian Pop Star Sentenced to Prison in Porn-Tapes Scandal

 By Alicia Cruz
The Black Urban Times

The famous Indonesian singer who shocked a nation after several homemade sex tapes went viral will spend the next three-and-a-half years in prison for violating his countries unsparing anti-pornography law, enacted in 2008 after considerable debate.
Nazril "Ariel" Irham, lead singer of the band Peterpan, was found guilty by Judge Singgih Budi Prakoso and fined $US25,000 ($25,300).

Ariel, who reportedly showed no remorse during his trial, claims he made the videos with two celebrity girlfriends and never intended for the videos to go public. However, Judge Prakoso said the singer did nothing to prevent the videos from being distributed throughout the Internet.
Ariel's sentence drew serious criticism from fans and they have posted the #freeariel hash tag on several social networks in support of the pop singer. After learning he would face trial, the singer, standing alongside actress and top model girlfriend, Luna Maya spoke with reporters in Jakarta saying he was prepared to face anything and thanked his fans for their support.

While Indonesia has become more open to democracy, the country remains quite traditional in many of it's conservative Muslim beliefs and pornography of any kind is not tolerated. The penalty for masturbation in Indonesia is decapitation, according to Bizarre sex laws web site.
In 2003, Abdul Ghani Abdullah, Indonesia's director general of legislation, told the Associated Press that in response to the wishes of the people, the Muslim nation would propose a revamp of the Indonesian civil code deeming sex outside marriage to be a crime.

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