Thursday, June 21, 2012

Curious life of the video vixen series pt. 1:The most powerful drug in the world #curiouslifeofthevideovixen

By Orrin Hatch
By definition of addiction means the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity. As I get older and watch the style of music change, the sound of music change, and all the other big and small intricacies of the art form go in and out of style the one thing that has been a constant and will ALWAYS be a constant is the women.

Wether it's a Melissa Ford, Gloria Velez, or some random stripper from the jiggle hut women seem to be staples in music, and music videos. So much so that the same women who use to be props and no names are now building and becoming house hold names in the industry. It's almost amazing to see, and these days it's not just rap that employs the video girl these days. From rhythm and blues, to pop and alternative. Artist round up or I guess the pc term for it would be "put together a casting call" and your cities prettiest an most exotic women pour out of the city. Even on the lower scale when a artist is going to be at a club performing I can't think of the last flyer I've seen that didn't have a model next to him. The fact of the matter is the music industry on every level is addicted to the model or video girl, because of what having these girls in the videos, and flyers, and clothes etc says about the product.

What does it say you Ask? It says that if your an artist; "these are the type of women I attract and these are the types of women I hang around" proving once again that his life is better than ours.

It says that if your a promoter; "these are the types of women that come to my events and if you like these types of women then this is the place you need to be." "this girl on this flyer is completely out of your league and yes she is holding a bottle of liquor that you completely can't afford, but it's ok because if you come it will be good enough to just be around it."

If your a clothing designer it says that these types of women like these types of clothes and if you want to get these types of girls then get your money right, take you rent, or your light bill, or what ever money you have to get my clothes because this beautiful woman will only respect you of your in this brand. Detect a hint of sarcasm?

In the end I guess what it all boils down to is that the music industries addiction to models, video girls, strippers and or porn stars. Is no different than any other industry being addicted to women. "They sale" beautiful women are the best sales person(s) there are it has always been that way in particular in music they are selling a lifestyle and every man wants the "video model" to be attracted to him. That's part of the reason rappers want to be rappers and singers want to be singers because of the types of women they bring. But honestly wether its just being boastful or just selling a product as gorgeous as some of the new age video models look you will never here a peep out of me.

Orrin Carter

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