Tuesday, August 21, 2012

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Rahiem Brooks, author of Murder In Germantown
(Prodigy Publishing Group)

Click here to read reviews of Murder in Germantown on Amazon.com.

On a dark January morning, Wydell James was arrested for killing several people attending a party in Germantown: a section of North Philadelphia. Now he’s in a jail cell with no one to turn to, but his childhood friend, Ravonne Lemmelle.

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write Murder In Germantown?

Rahiem Brooks: I have a true passion for legal thrillers: Matlock, Murder She Wrote, Perry Mason, Law and Order. I wanted to create a character that was born and raised in the ghetto, yet goes on to
Stanford and Harvard Universities. (read more) 

JP: What sets Murder In Germantown apart from other books in the same genre?

RB: Murder in Germantown stars an interesting main character, Ravonne Lemmelle. He is sarcastic, witty, and gay. (read more) 

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that led to Murder In Germantown getting out to the public?

RB: I am determined to effectively move into the upper echelon of authors. To do that, I pay very close to the details, trends, and what’s best to do that meticulously. (read more) 

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take you to start and finish Murder In Germantown?

RB: I finished writing Murder in Germantown in 45 days. I write daily, no less than 2,000 words, typically more. I do story maps and story outlines, so the writing process is very smooth. (read more)

JP: What’s next for Rahiem Brooks?

RB: Next for me is a novel, Truth Lies and Confessions, which I am adapting from a screenplay by Kevin Woodard. The next installment in my Bezel Brother Series, Last Laugh. (read more)

Click here to read the entire JoeyPinkney.com interview with Rahiem Brooks.

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