Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Insight from the editor: THE LAYOVER by @odigglre

This past weekend I took a business trip to California. It started when i got dropped off at Atlanta Hartfield Airport and I was thinking to myself as my ride drove off " OK Orrin, You Have never flown by yourself this should be interesting."  I was given my boarding pass and  started to go through security and i can tell you first hand that going through security in an airport is a real violation of Guy Code.  First of all, as i am passing through the metal detector this 6'5 320lbs defensive lineman impersonating a security guard puts his hand on my chest and says "hold on playa, take off your shoes  and put your stuff on the tray." and to be honest yall (yes yall I'm country) i felt like the big country ass mofo was bullying me. I made up my mind a long time ago I don't care how big a man is....i will not be punked by ANYONE.  I look up at him and say "Ni**a are you crazy don't you ever put your hands me and if you do".....right before i blow the top off of hartsfield a kind older man taps me on my shoulder and says "Son its procedure they ask everyone to take there shoes off." "Oh", I said.  After i took my shoes off and walked through the metal detector  i look at the security officer and say "my bad" man its been years since I've flown.

  So after being completely embarrassed and exposed for the country ass Bama I apparently seem to be. I wonder around aimlessly  looking for my gate number, all the while thinking there should be some type of organization to this "BS."  then i look on the boarding pass and realize i was reading my damn pass wrong. I finally find it and wait to board, which seems like it takes absolutely forever to board.  I find my seat and sit down, just when i think its OK to relax and i actually have two seats to my self  this exotic, thick, beautiful woman comes  next to me and says "I think think this is my seat."  I let her in because she has the window seat as i refuse to watch the wings fall off the plane if something should happen. I introduce myself to her and we began chatting and as she tells me shes a dancer...yea like ballet and shit i sit back buckle my seat belt and decide this connector flight to Chicago my not be so bad. 2bc

Orrin Carter
Editor And Chief of The Black Urban Times LLC

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