Thursday, August 23, 2012

Interview- App developer/designer Ameer Carter plans to design an app, called Rent Kicks, for sneakerheads that will be as good as angry birds

Hey Ameer!  Why don't tell our readers who you are and what you do.

1 Hey guys, my name is Ameer Carter, and I'm a second-year interactive design student at the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD). I'm also CEO  and Creative Director of the newly formed Beyond Reality creative agency. As far as what I do, I'm mainly a pixel pusher. I love graphic design and motion media and how those aspects of digital media have helped to create virtually everything we interact with in the digital/tech space.

Other than my day job, I'm a DJ, car enthusiast, writer and a rep for a few clothing companies.

Why is having a good designer for a start up important?

 Having a good designer is important for a startup because they are the driving force behind what your brand is ultimately going to look like and the visual design to a product and service when it comes to apps are at the utmost importance. Your consumers directly interact with an app visually first - and if there is no solid connection between them, you just lost an asset to your startup's success.

Tell us about this new app you're designing with TBUT LLC, called the #rentkicksapp.

 So the RentKicks app is like a mini game similar to your average paper toss or angry birds. One simple concept, one simple gameplay mechanic, and great rewarding experiences. The app deals with these poor schmucks who are invited to an exclusive event. They need to have really expensive attire but they can't afford their "dream kicks" so they set out to rent different sneakers moving up their tiers (based upon expense, resale value and "hypebeasts" - more on this later) until they get to their dream shoes and ultimately attend the event.

As you rent there will be different conflicts that happen in which can hurt your chances to obtaining your "dream shoes" and winning the game.

What are the 1st steps that we will be seeing from

 The first steps are concept screens, and other art and development work as we progress and build out a working beta to the public.

How did you connect with ziti, ceo of TBUT LLC?

 Ziti actually found me from Twitter. I was in the process of working with another startup called "The Phat Startup" with Anthony Fraiser (the guy behind Playd which was apart of the NewMe Accelerator and featured on the "Black in America 2" documentary) and James Lopez, when I interjected myself into a conversation that Ziti and Anthony had about working on a new project. From there we had a brief phone discussion which lead into the position I am in now.

Is there a basic plot/storyline behind the app?

 It's about a couple of guys who are invited to an event knowing that they don't have the "Style" necessary to attend so they try to rent sneakers to build a rapport with the more exclusive sneakerheads so that they can wear the freshest kicks at the event.

Do you think sneakerheads will get a kick(pun intended) out of this app?

 Hahaha, I'm definitely sure they will. Some of the most common mishaps and ignorances found the sneakerhead culture will be exaggerated and shown in a comedic light.

What's the goal of the rentkicksapp?

 The goal is to give sneakerheads an outlet to build a fantasy collection that they can actually apply in scenarios (digitally of course), it's to really showcase the sneaker culture and all of it's crazy nature these days. But to be frank, it's simply an app that anyone can pick up, play and have an awesome time.

What are the possibilities for this app?

The possibilities are limitless at this point. We could get major labels to sponsor our game and have never before seen or created sneakers showcased in our game before anyone else knows about them, we could create a system so that players can actually have an opportunity to obtain the sneakers they've rented in-game, we could potentially have a mechanic where other players can trade sneakers to complete tasks and other easter eggs. 

There's a lot that can be done.

Tell us about go beyond, your new tech firm?

10 My new firm/agency called Beyond Reality @Go_BYND, is specifically designed to build brands from the ground up, providing a launch pad for those brands to grow, respected, and extremely successful. We specialize in graphic and web design, web and app development, art direction, market analysis, and social media analysis. You can check more about us on our twitter handle: @Go_BYND for more information about us and our official website launch. You can also follow me at: @AtheSneakerHead for more info about Beyond Reality, more info about myself and just for some pretty cool tweets.

Any shout outs?

 Shoutout to my family, my brother for being my co-founder to Beyond Reality, my friends from SCAD and just everyone who is pivotal to my development as a young man.

Thanks! Can't wait to get that app!

 Anytime! I can't wait to build it.

check ameer carter here-


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