Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Kisha's Chad & Evelyn Report

Ok I am just shaking my head and even when I attempt to stop shaking my head, media releases more info that makes me confused as to do I want to laugh or cry...SERIOUSLY!

Before I go off into my commentary I would like to say that domestic violence is VERY serious and it is NEVER ok to hit another person. I do not give a damn if your name is OJ Simpson, Chris Brown,Floyd Mayweather, Memphitz or Chad Johnson.

These male celebs are beginning to really feel themselves thinking they are invincible. let me say this a REAL man would NEVER put his hands on a women! #dropsmic

Anyhoo back to Chad and Evelyn nonsense...

8/11~The couple was on their way home from dinner when Evelyn found a condom receipt in the car and this triggered what I can only imagine a VERY heated debate/argument that ended with Chad headbutting Evelyn, her fleeing out the car to a neighbor's house where she called 911.

Evelyn was seen at the hospital and treated for a head laceration and released whereas Chad was arrested and held on a $2500 bail.

8/12~Here's when the plot The Miami Dolphins got wind of Chad's incident and said they had no comment and later on fired Chad from the Dolphins...Now you know you gotta be a dumb-ass to get fired on your day off! Lmaooooo!!

8/13~As if that wasn’t bad, VHI pulled the curtain and the Chad & Evelyn Reality Show, so that was goodbye to all that reality TV camera time ( You know they are 2 media whores) and money.

Evelyn releases a statement saying Domestic Violence is not OK and she hopes Chad gets help for his issues.

8/14~Evelyn's Brother in law Anthony loses his battle to cancer. #RIP

Evelyn files for divorce and arrest records surface that Chad was convicted of domestic battery back in 2000.

Chad released a statement via his website-

"I would like to apologize to everyone for the recent events that have occurred. I would like to wish Evelyn well and will never say anything bad about her because I truly love her to death," Johnson said
"I will continue to be positive and train hard for another opportunity in the NFL. To all the fans and supporters I have disappointed, you have my sincerest apologies. I will stay positive and get through this tough period in my life."

Beverly Shiner, a woman from Boston breaks her silence and comes forward stating that she and Chad were creeping from January to May. Mind you they got married on 7/4...Tsssssssk

It truly sucks to be the both of them right now because they both are crying (for different reasons), wishing this was one big bad dream.

Meanwhile Eric Williams loving this and amusing us as he is heating up his Twitter feed taking jabs at Ev and Jen...Speaking of Jen, her ass is somewhere sipping a drink or buying new colored contacts saying “I told you so” Lol

Thats all folks...


Kisha Green is a publisher who has a passion for writing and sharing her witty personality with many through social media. For more info about Kisha, visit her website and you can also follow her on Twitter @KishaGreen

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