Sunday, September 9, 2012

5 Minutes, 5 Questions With... James Fant, author of An Ode for Orchids

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About "An Ode for Orchids":

An Ode for Orchids is a story about four young women and the challenges that they face, such as making bad choices in men, dealing with infidelity, struggling with promiscuity, and dealing with rejection. But perhaps the most daunting challenge is dealing with the animosity that one woman can have for another woman. Time will reveal whether or not each of them will be strong enough to face the challenges that life will offer them. (read more)

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write An Ode for Orchids?

James Fant: An Ode for Orchids was definitely divinely inspired. I started writing the story in 2006 and nearly shelved the idea after I started graduate school. But the story would not go away. No matter how
busy I was with school work, with church, or family life, the story would come back to me. It needed to be told. (read more) 

JP: What sets An Ode for Orchids apart from other books in the same genre?

JF: One of An Ode for Orchids‘s major distinctions is that there is no profanity or lewd sexual scenes in the book. However, the story is still extremely hot and steamy. There’s a high level of passion and conflict within the story. There are arguments and fights. There is even a great deal of sexual tension. But there is no profanity or graphic love scenes. (read more)

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that led to An Ode for Orchids getting out to the public?

JF: HELP. Enlisting the help of others is a major key. You don’t know everything. And you can’t be good at everything. As an indie author, I had to realize that it doesn’t matter that I run a small publishing company and that I have to wear many hats. I still need to surround myself with talented people. (read more)

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take you to start and finish An Ode for Orchids?

JF: My writing process is very simple. The story starts off as divinely inspired idea. Then I outline the entire story, trying to be as brief with the outline as I can be. Then I just write. And I mean I don’t sit at my laptop and think about what I’m going to write. I just write. (read more) 

JP: What’s next for James Fant?

JF: God willing, many more novels are on the horizon for me. I also want to release a book of poetry as well as a short-story anthology. But whatever I do, you can be sure that it will be both entertaining and edifying. (read more)

Click here to read the entire Interview with James Jant.

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