Monday, September 17, 2012

Introducing The Black Urban Time's New Health And Fitness Writer: MarQuise Applewhite

Hello World,

When you wake up in the morning and feel tired and say to yourself "I do
not want to get up right now."  You go into the bathroom combing through
your morning ritual, look in the mirror and say to yourself "I need to do
something about this." Figuring out what to wear for the day, for the
night, for that event, for going beyond those doors to a brave world and
being seen and reassured that  the choices you made are validated. You need
to understand that the choices you make affect more than just your body, it
also affects the mental health of your well being.

Hi, I am Q and this is Q's-Tip's. I am a Personal Trainer and Lifestyle
coach. On the back of my business card I have a quote that says *"Train the
mind, Train the body"* We all make choices everyday that affect our
physical and mental health. They are together hand in hand like pea's and
carrots. If you care about one, you must show care to the other.  There are
many people out there, like I used to be when I was younger, who just need
a friend, a partner, someone who is consistent and compliments you to
helping you be a better you. My intent is to be that person for you and to
you, so we can impact you and you can impact the world around you one
healthy mind and body at a time.  Let's get fit together, MENTALLY AND
Fitness Questions For Q?

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