Thursday, September 20, 2012 5 Minutes, 5 Questions with... BlaQue, author of Exhale

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About "Exhale": 

“Exhale” is a twisted look into the world of abuse. It touches many aspects of child, verbal, physical, drug and alcohol abuse all while living it through the main character, Butterflii Fields. We journey with her as she tries to overcome her tormented past and reach for a new future. (read more) 

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to write “Exhale“?
BlaQue: I created “Exhale” with the children who are afraid to go home because of the abuse they suffer behind closed doors. The little girls, more specifically, who are pushed to the point of no return.
(read more) 

JP: What sets “Exhale” apart from other books in the same genre? 

BlaQue: What sets “Exhale” apart from other books in its genre is that it is gritty. It is told in a fast paced manner that grabs you from the first paragraph. You go through so many emotions with Butta while she endures abuse! (read more) 

JP: As an author, what are the keys to your success that led to “Exhale” getting out to the public? 

BlaQue: I have to say the keys to my success is my determination to make the readers feel something every time they turn the pages. I am a reader first and an authoress second. (read more) 

JP: As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take you to start and finish “Exhale”? 

BlaQue: I have no process! As crazy as it seems, I write by the seat of my pants so to speak! I name my characters, and they tell their own stories! I go with the flow. It took me roughly four hours to write “Exhale”. (read more) 

JP: What’s next for The Authoress BlaQue? 

BlaQue: I am always working! “Dirty DNA” my full length novel will be coming soon! I am also putting the finishing touches on a short story titled “Bait and Snatch”. (read more)

Click here to read the entire interview with BlaQue.

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