Thursday, September 20, 2012

Q's Tip's: Be My Motivation by @agent17prime

Be My Motivation....

So I know these people who set goals, plans, and personal achievements for changing their body. When it comes to their bodies, constant nit picking and objectifying their bodies so that it feels better, look’s better, performs better and hopefully lives longer. When you start the program that you have decided upon to help you reach those goals, you are very excited, enthusiastic, and full of energy, there is virtually nothing that will stop you from reaching your goal or achievement.
A few weeks have passed by and that excitement, enthusiasm, energy and will power start to fade. Now, you may not feel so pressured in to achieving the goal you originally intended, yet there is still that nagging feeling that made you set your goal in the first place, that body. That pretty much sums up everybody, right?? Well, how do you keep the motivation going to achieve these original goals you first set for yourself?

Q’s Tip’s
Through my years of training and witnessing the gift of life through my eyes as well as others stories there is one very important rule that I have figured out that usually results in failure, yes I said it, failure, that we all follow to help knock us out before we even get close to accomplishing our goal. That rule is “not writing down your goal and tracking its progress.”  Visual stimulation is the key to keeping the original enthusiasm, energy, and excitement lasting throughout the entire process.  By doing this you will be able to justify and verify where you have started, what hindered you, and how you overcame the struggles to reaching your goals. Find a picture or draw a picture of what you would like your body to look like and set that up on the back of your toilet, post it on your refrigerator, on your mirror, in your car, at work, somewhere, so you can see it EVERY DAY, so when one of those times you “do not feel like doing anything, knowing you need to, this will help motivate you. Next have a partner, whether in be a trainer, a close friend, a new friend, etc. As people we tend to gravitate towards others, find someone that is either more advanced or less advanced to help make each other better. This way you develop a bond that will help push you through those tough times. Another very, very important key to reaching your goals and achieving that ultimate change is believe that your body is a temple in which light shines through to inspire others, so the more you take care of yourself, the better you affect the people around you.

For questions or more information on training and nutrition or if you need me to be your motivation contact me:
Twitter: @agent17prime
Instagram: @agent17prime
Facebook: Coachq17

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