Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Q's-Tips; NATURAL ENERGY AND NUTRITION By; @agent17prime


How 'bout those Apples.....

Are you still drinking coffee for a wake me up? What about 5 hour energy? Don't get me wrong, I’m not downplaying the effects of a energy supplement and its intended uses, but in the battle against hunger, energy, and diets, daily nutrition is the real answer.
Part of that Daily Nutrition is keeping your energy levels up during the day. The struggle to wake up in the morning and have that enthusiastic drive to go through your day with the same amount of excitement and focus you have when your having fun, is a struggle that many people face daily.  So how do we attack this issue without compromise and financial challenge to our budgets.

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away." I know you have heard that before. Well why? One Apple or one cup of fresh apple juice DAILY can give you the same amount of energy as a cup of coffee.  Full of antioxidants, fiber and natural sugars, apples have this super power and will make your teeth strong, control your appetite WEEKLY, and fulfill some of those snacks in between the meals you have for your nutritional program. No more yellow stains, coffee breath, and countless trips to coffee pot. How you like them apples???

If that's not enough to get your attention, check this out, "9 ways that apple's keep the doctor away."

The cost of a pound of apples ranges $2.50 to $3.50 per pound. Your brand of coffee averages out to about $50 per pound.

How 'bout those Apples.....

For more information and questions on health, nutrition, and training follow me on:
Twitter: agent17prime
Facebook: CoachQ17
Instagram: agent17prime

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