Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Kisha's Love & Hip Hop Recap


Joe- I saw side of this man I've never seen before. I saw a very vulnerable man. I was impressed that he had kicked his addiction for 14 years but to relapse wasn't a good look but I admired him taking responsibility, well partial because he should have been able to explain that to Raqi. I see that he wants Tahiry back but it's going to take more than a few chit chats. He put her through a lot and he's going to have to prove himself but AFTER he breaks up with his very young and inexperienced girlfriend Kaylin. O_o

Raqi- I think she's in love with Joe and you could tell in her eyes she was VERY hurt by the way he was talking to her but unbeknownst to her at that time he was under the influence of drugs. She needs to focus on herself and stop trying to be Joe's everything especially when he will ultimately break her heart and end up with Tahiry or someone...anyone but her.

Winter-She's best know for being Fab's assistant but now she's on the scene with a scandalous tell all book about her experience in the industry. Who she has been with as well as who others have been with. Hmm ...Sex does sell but more so when it's mixed with a Lil scandal. Get em girl ;-)

Consequence- I don't know who this Mr. Ed ghostwriter is but couldn't his dentist fitted him with a decent pair of teeth that weren't so big? I found it hard to concentrate on what he was saying because all I kept looking at was his choppers. I think his are bigger than Steve Harvey's. #YeahISaidIt

Jen- Consequence's girlfriend and son's mother. She was an entertainment blogger but left the scene for motherhood. She LOVES her man no doubt but Consequence seems to enjoy that she needs him. She gave up her independence and its a choice she soon regrets each time her and her boo argue.

Rich- Is a flirt point blank period! He cares about Erica but he has a wondering eye and if she's secure and won't easily trip they should be fine.

Erica- I don't know who this chick THINKS she is but clearly someone needs to bring her back down to earth. She's acting like she's has the clout of Beyonce/Naomi Campbell but is more on the level of Lil Mama. #YeahISaidItAgain. She should just enjoy the ride of being Rich's boo and enjoy those manis/pedis.

Lore'l- Who? What? Why? Good luck boo!

Kisha Green is a author  who has a passion for writing and sharing her witty personality with many through social media. For info about Kisha, visit her website www.divabooksinconline.com and you can also follow her on Twitter @KishaGreen

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